Friday, October 12, 2012

How N.J. Solar Energy Outshines The Other 49 States

The Armpit of America. Dirty Jersey. Nearly every New Jerseyan is familiar with such jeers leveled at the Garden State. Yet in spite of the images - or smells - such terms may evoke, the Christie administration recently signed into law bipartisan legislation to support and maintain the solar incentive market that has made New Jersey the solar powerhouse of America. It is thoroughly encouraging to see bipartisan cooperation in Trenton continue to show support for a clean, renewable energy source - both for the sake of New Jersey and for the nation.

To say that New Jersey has made leaps and bounds in the solar industry is an understatement. In the first quarter of this year, New Jersey has become the largest solar market in America, with the rate of installations even outpacing the much larger, much sunnier California. New Jersey remains second only to California in total megawatts of solar power installed, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association.

The solar market, most importantly, brings jobs and a boost to the economy. With unemployment at 9.6 percent - currently fourth-worst in the country - this is crucial. Let's be clear - this is the reason why the cut-happy Christie took solar subsidies off the fiscal chopping block. The solar industry in New Jersey employs nearly 3,000 workers and comprises close to 500 businesses, according to 2011 data from the Solar Foundation. As New Jersey solidifies its mature position in the industry-and continues to do so under sustained support from Trenton-its businesses stand poised to expand to other state markets and to accept workers from places where the solar industry is not welcome.

The solar boom in New Jersey has been ushered in by a series of forward-thinking, smart policies of incentives and subsidies. In 2001, when the solar incentives programs were launched, New Jersey had six photovoltaic systems installed in the entire state. As of last week, that number had rocketed to 15,778, with another 4,400 projects in the pipeline.

The recent legislation focuses on improving these programs. In a bipartisan manner, it deftly caters to both the utilities and solar owners and installers while addressing the fundamental issue with the current system-namely, that the solar industry would become a victim of its own explosive growth.

The same New Yorkers who brand their neighboring state "the armpit of America" are poised to adopt a solar incentive program nearly identical to the one New Jersey has now. Massachusetts, Maryland and Ohio have all incorporated aspects of New Jersey's solar policies into their own solar programs.

Pennsylvania looked to New Jersey as its less-developed solar market was hit far worse with the same overloading growth and resulting fall-off of SREC prices, sending the industry to a screeching halt. New Jersey proved once again its leadership position as it decisively forged ahead with adjusting the system. Any hopes for similar action in the Keystone State appear lost in committee in Harrisburg. Succinctly put, New Jersey's solar policies have been immensely successful and have given it a national leadership position on the issue.

It is crucial that the United States as a whole take the lead in creating the world's best clean, renewable economy. China has marked renewable energy as the highest priority for its national security and as the mainstay for its insatiable appetite for energy; national security and energy often go hand-in-hand. China is investing in renewables with the same gusto that the U.S. pursued the space race. America electrified the world in the 19th century. We computerized it in the 20th. Why can't we usher in a renewable energy revolution in the 21st?

New Jersey is doing its part in leading the solar industry in this country. It is imperative that the Christie Administration continue to support and monitor this industry to keep it thriving. Gov. Christie has many other opportunities he ought to pursue-rejoining the RGGI program he pulled New Jersey out of last year, for example-to advance the renewable energy industry in general. In doing so, we can create jobs, clean our air, set an example at the national level for renewable energy initiatives and maybe, just maybe, work at turning the stereotype of the "Dirty Jerz" on its head.


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